Today, 13 September 2008, initially is a Public Holiday. It was the TYT's birthday. However, it was announced that TYT's birthday has been changed to 25 October 2008 because September is Ramadan month. As a result, activities cannot be held and we need to come to work today.
Wake up this morning to know that Teresa Kok, Raja Petra and the reporter of Sin Chew Jit Poh were detained last night under Internal Security Act (ISA). All of them were arrested under Section 73(1) of the ISA for allegedly being a threat to security, peace and public order.
As reported in "The Star", Raja Petra was picked up because "he was involved in activities that could cause unrest among the multi-racial and multi-religious society of the country."
The reporter, Tan, was arrested as he reported former Bukit Bendera Umno division chief Datuk Ahmad Ismail’s racist remarks while campaigning for the Permatang Pauh by-election. The 2 reporter from Guang Ming and Nayang Siang Pau who had vouched for the accuracy of Tan’s report had gone into hiding.
"The Star" reported that "Kok, 43, who is also state assemblyman for Kinrara and the senior Selangor state executive councillor, was picked up over an alleged involvement with a resident’s petition over a mosque."
11 Years
8 years ago
1 comment:
Hahhahaha. So much drama, when is it ending? Never I guess
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